Terms and conditions

for safe seed donation

To continue the registration process, please read the text below first. By clicking in the box at the bottom you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted the general terms and conditions.

General Terms and Conditions

By registering as a member of Safe Reproduction, I acknowledge the following:

  • I agree that my information may be used by Safe Reproduction to match a suitable sperm, breast milk or egg donor and a receiver. In return, SafeBlood Donation agrees never to disclose this information to any third party. Names will only be revealed and communicated at the time a donor and recipient connect in person.
  • As a receiver, I agree that my contact details will be given directly to the donors, who stay anonymous until they contact me back, which is done by email only. I will be contacted directly by the donors, and it is their choice whether they will contact me at all. If they don’t want to accept me as a donor, I understand they may want to stay anonymous.
  • I release potential donors, recipients, involved medical institutions and SafeBlood Reproduction as an intermediary from any liability. The nature of the relationship between donor and receiver is a contract between these two parties alone, and neither Safe Reproduction not any other third parties are legally involved.
  • Agreements about compensation of any kind, whether it be for the donation of breast milk, eggs or sperm, or any other expenses, are a matter of direct agreement between donor and receiver.
  • As a donor I confirm to stick to the kind of parentship agreed with the receiver, there is no way I can change my mind about this later. Also, when anonymous parentship is agreed on, it has to stay anonymous under any circumstances.
  • I fill out all fields correctly when entering my information. I am aware that false information, especially regarding my vaccination status and personal details, is misleading and may result not only in immediate expulsion from the association, but also in criminal prosecution. It is as important to me as it is to any other potential recipient to have absolute certainty that only sperm, breast milk and eggs from unvaccinated members (only relating to mRNA vaccines) will be provided here.
  • I am aware that I can also subsequently update fields at any time to keep them current.
  • The terms of law applied are always the ones from Lusaka, Zambia, where the company’s headquarter is based, regardless of the country where the mediation or any business activity emerging from the mediation process takes place.