Roughly 20% of all couples would love to have a child but they do not succeed. There are many reasons, which we do not want to go into here. But many women who have not been able to conceive so far can be helped with either sperm donation or egg donation. There are plenty of companies specializing in this, and there is no need of an additional player in this area. Is there?
Actually there was no need, until now.
With the introduction of the new mRNA-vaccines (formerly known as Covid vaccines), this has changed completely. Not only have these vaccines been shown to have the most severe side effects in the history of vaccinations, they also contain many inorganic additives that accumulate in the blood, tissues, organs – literally everywhere in the body of the vaccinated – also in the sperm and the egg cells, and even in the breast milk and the blood. They also damage the immune system in an unprecedented way, but worst of all, they change the DNA of the vaccinated person. And that’s what sperm or egg donation is all about: Passing on your DNA and all the genetic information about the donor’s health to a new life – a new human being. So if you decide to start a family, you should definitely think about the quality of the donated sperm or eggs.
See here what Dr. Arne Burkhardt, one of the leading scientists about mRNA-damage, found out.
Fortunately, there are still billions of people worldwide who are not vaccinated and surely also do not want to be vaccinated in the future, but want to have descendants and want to contribute to a DNA-alteration-free humanity – a humanity as it was created, not altered by mad “scientists”.
We had no way to find a guaranteed mRNA contamination-free sperm, egg or breast milk donor because all sperm banks refuse to distinguish between “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” donors; donors are not questioned about whether they are “vaccination” or not.
This is where SafeReproduction comes in. A non profit organisation dedicated to give you exactly this choice: to allow you to surely and safely find a donor who is not only healthy, but completely free of mRNA vaccines.
As a sister site of SafeBlood Donation we are already specialized in bringing unvaccinated individuals together and have a huge database of members all over the world with uncontaminated blood. Our brand has an excellent reputation as an intermediary for our members. We are now using this experience and extend it to sperm, egg and breast milk donation – as it was planned from the very beginning – to ensure that you get what you want: a worry-free future in terms of the health of your offspring.
However, we don’t want to be a sperm, egg or breast milk bank, we are purely a referral service. We bring two people together, the donor and the recipient. They then go (where appropriate) to one of the established companies (sperm banks, specialised fertility clinics, etc.) for the procedure. This is completely risk-free for you, because YOU choose the donor – for them it is then a normal procedure. We help you to find a company in your area, if you wish.
We just launched this project, so there are only few donors listed, but you can already become a member and search for donors or register as a donor here. Donors sign up for free and can even search free, while “searchers” either choose the yearly membership (25$ or equivalent) or the life time version for 50$. But since there are only few donors to begin with, we offer a free 2 week membership with unlimited access – as an introductory offer.
For updates, check back frequently or send us an email.